Garrett Park Elementary Community,
Your Parent Teacher Association comprises over 400 families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of our children and the promotion of parent involvement at Garrett Park ES.
Membership in the PTA is open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health, and welfare of our children.

2023-2024 GPES PTA Board Members
President: Hanita Natelson, GarrettParkESPTA@gmail.com
Treasurer: Elizabeth Ferpozzi
Secretary: Alexis Rourk Reyes
VP, Membership: Jennifer Ryan
VP, Diversity & Inclusion: VACANT
VP, Communications: Laura Basford
VP, Extracurricular Activities: Sunny Yu-shan
VP, Events: Megan Minks
Cluster Rep: Suzanne Romero
At-Large Board Members: Michelle Corno, Jessica Lieberson
Book Fair Chair: Michelle Corno
Staff Appreciation Co-Chairs: Katie Muller and Jen Martin-Wong
Yearbook Committee Co-Chairs: Heather Down and Bridget Manifold
Green/Environmental Committee Co-Chairs: Alexis Rourk Reyes and Ellen Vandeloo
Room Parent Coordinator: Carolyn Morris
Restaurant Nights Chair: Julie Brand
***CLICK HERE to Learn More about our Board Positions***
Volunteer for one of our vacant positions for the upcoming school year, including Event Co-Chairs, Committee Members, Volunteer Coordinator, and much more. Check out our Sign-Up Genius to see all the ways you can help!
Attend a PTA Meeting!
Our meetings are generally held on the first Tuesday of the month. Check out our calendar for more details.
Helpful Links
Garrett Park Elementary School:
​Garrett Park Elementary School Website
Garrett Park Kids After Hours Website
Walter Johnson Cluster:
MCPS WJ Cluster Roundtable Website
Montgomery County Public Schools:
Montgomery County Public Schools
MCPS Calendar
Parent Teacher Association:
Montgomery County PTA
National PTA
Additional Resources: